Kurt Gödel 1931
To every w-consistent recursive class k of
formulae there correspond recursive class-signs R,
such that neither v Gen r, nor Neg(v Gen r)
belongs to Flg(k) (where v is the free variable of r).
Gödel Incompleteness Theorem.
Any consistent axiomatic system does include
propositions whose truth is undecidable within that
system and its consistency is, hence,
not provable within that system.
Translation of a translation:
Either mathematics is too big for the human mind or
the human mind is more than a machine.
Any formal system is either inconsistent or incomplete.
in a universe where knowledge defeats us,
what can we do but be what we are?
I don't believe in natural science.
[Said to physicist John Bahcall.]
Bei mir gibt es nicht viel Neues;
ich hatte in letzter Zeit eine Menge mit Behörden zu tun.
Kurt Gödel, when being called to the Nazi's military service.